Saturday, March 08, 2008

A new FNDCPASS Utility feature introduced in 11.5.10 RUP 3

A new FNDCPASS Utility feature introduced in 11.5.10 RUP 3 allows us to change

ORACLE EBS base product schema passwords with a single command line invocation.

We can have this feature if we are on 11i.ATG_PF.H Rollup 3 or higher or if we have applied

Oracle Critical Patch Update - January 2006.

Usage FNDCPASS [logon] 0 Y [system/password] ALLORACLE [new_password]


logon : The Oracle apps username/password.

system/password : The username and password for the SYSTEM DBA account.

new_password : The new password.

For example,

FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ALLORACLE MYPW0RD

This change the passwords of all Oracle Application products schema's to MYPW0RD

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