Thursday, June 05, 2008

Ebiz Configuration with Autoconfig and Context File

Ebiz Configuration with Autoconfig and Context File.

Application context it can be created by executing the following script

This script will evaluate the environment in order to generate the context file.

$ ./$AD_TOP/bin/

Take backup of your current context file if you have any before you execute this script.

You can edit context file.

• Using editcontext

• Using OAM

• Using a standard text editor (vi) [ for experts only ]

If you want to revert back an you need to execute the $APPL_TOP/admin/$CONTEXT_NAME/out/MMDDhhmm/

script and its counterpart on the database server is in $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/out/$CONTEXT_NAME/MMDDhhmm directory

MM for month, DD for date , hh is hour, and mm is minute of autocongic execution.

Adconfig and Customization :

If you are below AD minipack version F,

then the "# Begin customization" and "# End customization" tags needs to be added to the configuration file.

Customizations can be added by editing the application configuration file with a standard text editor.

e.g. adovars.env

# Begin customizations


export NAVE_TOP

# End customizations

The adconfig utility, when executed, will keep customizations that are marked with in customization tags.

If customization tags are not used, the customizations will not be there in new file.

If you are on later versions of autoconfig, customizations can be implemented by using custom templates instead of adding tags.

custom templates must be stored in $FND_TOP/admin/template/custom

For E.g

A) Lock file:

1)Open httpd.conf. The first few lines will contain a header file.

That is the name of the template file.

For httpd.conf, the template file is httpd_conf_1013.tmp (R12)

Template files will be available in $FND_TOP/admin/template

2)Go to $FND_TOP/admin/template.

e.g. /pnavei/applmgr/1200/fnd/12.0.0/admin/template/

4)Create a dir called "custom" inside it if it is not present.

e.g. /pnavei/applmgr/1200/fnd/12.0.0/admin/template/custom

4)Copy httpd_conf_1013.tmp into custom dir

5)Edit httpd_conf_1013.tmp inside the custom dir and make changes as follows:



LockFile %s_iASconfig_home%/Apache/Apache/logs/httpd.lock



LockFile /tmp/%s_dbSid%_httpd.lock



As far as possible we need to use place holders and not hard coded values. If you use hard coded values, it will create problems after refresh.

In the above case %s_dbSid% is a place holder for SID.

Usually when its a value that you need to change its done in context file, and when its a format change its done in template.

You can also migrate any customization tags from the manual configuration files to the custom template, using script

Temp tablespace usage per user

Temp tablespace usage per user
select s.username "USER",s.osuser, u.tablespace "TS" , sum(u.blocks) * &BLOCK_SIZE./1024/1024/1024 GB
from v$session s,v$sort_usage u,v$sqltext x
where s.saddr=u.session_addr and s.sql_address=x.address
group by s.username, s.osuser, u.tablespace

Undo Usage
select a.TABLESPACE_NAME, a.MAX, b.USED, round((b.USED/a.MAX)*100,2) PCT
from(select TABLESPACE_NAME, (sum(decode(MAXBYTES,0,USER_BYTES,MAXBYTES))/1024/1024/1024) MAX from dba_data_files group by TABLESPACE_NAME) a,
(select tablespace_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 USED from dba_undo_extents group by tablespace_name) b
where a.TABLESPACE_NAME=b.TABLESPACE_NAME and b.USED > a.MAX *(80/100);