Thursday, June 05, 2008

Ebiz Configuration with Autoconfig and Context File

Ebiz Configuration with Autoconfig and Context File.

Application context it can be created by executing the following script

This script will evaluate the environment in order to generate the context file.

$ ./$AD_TOP/bin/

Take backup of your current context file if you have any before you execute this script.

You can edit context file.

• Using editcontext

• Using OAM

• Using a standard text editor (vi) [ for experts only ]

If you want to revert back an you need to execute the $APPL_TOP/admin/$CONTEXT_NAME/out/MMDDhhmm/

script and its counterpart on the database server is in $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/out/$CONTEXT_NAME/MMDDhhmm directory

MM for month, DD for date , hh is hour, and mm is minute of autocongic execution.

Adconfig and Customization :

If you are below AD minipack version F,

then the "# Begin customization" and "# End customization" tags needs to be added to the configuration file.

Customizations can be added by editing the application configuration file with a standard text editor.

e.g. adovars.env

# Begin customizations


export NAVE_TOP

# End customizations

The adconfig utility, when executed, will keep customizations that are marked with in customization tags.

If customization tags are not used, the customizations will not be there in new file.

If you are on later versions of autoconfig, customizations can be implemented by using custom templates instead of adding tags.

custom templates must be stored in $FND_TOP/admin/template/custom

For E.g

A) Lock file:

1)Open httpd.conf. The first few lines will contain a header file.

That is the name of the template file.

For httpd.conf, the template file is httpd_conf_1013.tmp (R12)

Template files will be available in $FND_TOP/admin/template

2)Go to $FND_TOP/admin/template.

e.g. /pnavei/applmgr/1200/fnd/12.0.0/admin/template/

4)Create a dir called "custom" inside it if it is not present.

e.g. /pnavei/applmgr/1200/fnd/12.0.0/admin/template/custom

4)Copy httpd_conf_1013.tmp into custom dir

5)Edit httpd_conf_1013.tmp inside the custom dir and make changes as follows:



LockFile %s_iASconfig_home%/Apache/Apache/logs/httpd.lock



LockFile /tmp/%s_dbSid%_httpd.lock



As far as possible we need to use place holders and not hard coded values. If you use hard coded values, it will create problems after refresh.

In the above case %s_dbSid% is a place holder for SID.

Usually when its a value that you need to change its done in context file, and when its a format change its done in template.

You can also migrate any customization tags from the manual configuration files to the custom template, using script

Temp tablespace usage per user

Temp tablespace usage per user
select s.username "USER",s.osuser, u.tablespace "TS" , sum(u.blocks) * &BLOCK_SIZE./1024/1024/1024 GB
from v$session s,v$sort_usage u,v$sqltext x
where s.saddr=u.session_addr and s.sql_address=x.address
group by s.username, s.osuser, u.tablespace

Undo Usage
select a.TABLESPACE_NAME, a.MAX, b.USED, round((b.USED/a.MAX)*100,2) PCT
from(select TABLESPACE_NAME, (sum(decode(MAXBYTES,0,USER_BYTES,MAXBYTES))/1024/1024/1024) MAX from dba_data_files group by TABLESPACE_NAME) a,
(select tablespace_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 USED from dba_undo_extents group by tablespace_name) b
where a.TABLESPACE_NAME=b.TABLESPACE_NAME and b.USED > a.MAX *(80/100);

Monday, March 10, 2008

To Submit a concurrent program from command line

To Submit a concurrent program from command line and check the result we can use CONCSUB utility

CONCSUB [ORACLE ID] [Responsibility Application Short Name]
[Responsibility Name] [User Name]
[WAIT=[Wait Flag] CONCURRENT [Concurrent Program Application Short Name] [Concurrent Program Name]
[START=Requested Start Date]
[REPEAT_DAYS=Repeat Interval]
[REPEAT_END=Request Resubmission End Date]
[Concurrent Program Arguments [][]...]

For Ex. create a script as following :-
RES=`echo $CONC | grep 'Normal completion'`
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "Error"
echo "Complete Normal"
echo $CONC > rslt.lst
cat rslt.lst
rm rslt.lst

Complete Normal
Submitted request 1234567890 for CONCURRENT FND FNDSCURS Normal completion

Or else you can use the following qry. :-

select REQUEST_ID,
WHEN (PHASE_CODE) = 'I' THEN 'Inactive'
WHEN (PHASE_CODE) = 'P' THEN 'Pending'
WHEN (PHASE_CODE) = 'R' THEN 'Running'
WHEN (STATUS_CODE) = 'B' THEN 'Resuming'
WHEN (STATUS_CODE) = 'D' THEN 'Cancelled'
WHEN (STATUS_CODE) = 'F' THEN 'Scheduled'
WHEN (STATUS_CODE) = 'M' THEN 'No Manager'
WHEN (STATUS_CODE) = 'S' THEN 'Suspended'
WHEN (STATUS_CODE) = 'T' THEN 'Terminating'
WHEN (STATUS_CODE) = 'U' THEN 'Disabled'
WHEN (STATUS_CODE) = 'X' THEN 'Terminated'
from fnd_concurrent_requests where REQUEST_ID=&REQ_ID;

Saturday, March 08, 2008

A new FNDCPASS Utility feature introduced in 11.5.10 RUP 3

A new FNDCPASS Utility feature introduced in 11.5.10 RUP 3 allows us to change

ORACLE EBS base product schema passwords with a single command line invocation.

We can have this feature if we are on 11i.ATG_PF.H Rollup 3 or higher or if we have applied

Oracle Critical Patch Update - January 2006.

Usage FNDCPASS [logon] 0 Y [system/password] ALLORACLE [new_password]


logon : The Oracle apps username/password.

system/password : The username and password for the SYSTEM DBA account.

new_password : The new password.

For example,

FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ALLORACLE MYPW0RD

This change the passwords of all Oracle Application products schema's to MYPW0RD

To Find out the Workflow Mailer component status

To Find out the Workflow Mailer component status from DATABASE using sqlplus


from fnd_svc_components where concurrent_queue_id in (select concurrent_queue_id from fnd_concurrent_queues where concurrent_queue_name like 'WF%')


Few things ORACLE Application Patching

Few things ORACLE Application Patching


Structure of ORACLE Applications (EBSO ) patches

In Applications patches there are usually three patch drivers.

> c[patch number].drv - which drives the copy actions for the patch and links executables.

> d[patch number].drv - this drives the database changes, by sql scripts and programs that change the data or objects of the database.

This driver is optional and will be included only if there is some change to the database objects.

> g[patch number].drv - is the generate driver which generates forms/reports/message files

This driver is optional and will be included only if there is some change to forms/reports/message files

Most the "next-generation" patches are coming out with three-in-one drivers or called as unified drivers.

>u[patch number].drv - no changes but performs functions of all the three drivers

:) a great help in patch automations.

Patching Utilities


In ORACLE Apps patches are applied by using few utilities designed specifically for that purpose.

Couple of them are run from the command line, and few Web-based.

Currently i wish to discuss few utilities. Will try to put in more descriptions in coming posts.

Command Line Utilities

AutoPatch (adpatch)

When we have to apply patches to ORACLE Applications, the first word we remember is adpatch,

this is a utility that automates most of the patching tasks for ORACLE Applications.

and it used to apply patches to the Oracle Applications file system or database.

But Its never used to apply any patches on Technology Components for e.g. ORACLE RDBMS Software, iAS, or Developer Suite tools.

that's done another utility opatch - (will discuss later. )

One biggest advantage of adpatch is that its version checking capability .

It ensure that the file with the latest version is used, determined by comparing what is present on file system and what the new patch contains.

A record of the applied patches are stored in database tables.

If there are multiple languages installed, then autopatch notifies we to apply the nls patch also .

adpatch can check for pre-requisites patches , whether they are applied or not.

Some of the options that can be used to change the standard behavior of adpatch

hotpatch = apply the patch without setting it in Maintenance mode , kind of online patching.

noprereq = will not check for pre-reqs (as of AD.I.4, by default, patching will not check for pre-reqs,

need to run OAM patching wizard for prereqs)

nodatabaseportion = not to run the DB portion

nocopyportion= not to execute the copy driver portion

nogenerateportion=not to execute the generate driver portion

nocompiledb= when we wish not to compile the invalid objects after the patch application

noautoconfig = specify autopatch that we do not wish to run autoconfig as a part of the patch application

nocheckfile= to skip check for already executed exec, SQL, and execution commands (can cause performance overheads )

nocompilejsp= when we wish not to compile the the java server pages (jsp) after the patch application

nohidepw = not to hide the passwords from the log file, use this only when you need to debug, and never in prod env.

Running a patch in different modes

we can apply a patch in TEST mode using adpatch.

when we use test mode it does not do any changes, but generates a log file with all the actions it would have performed in actual execution.

$adpatch apply=n

Pre-install Mode

we can also apply a patch in pre install mode, normally during an upgrade or consolidated update.

used only when we need to upgrade the files be for actual update, it checks for files versions, file copy (copies all files to APPL_TOP), relink fnd and ad executables,

saves the patch history info to the file system.

$adpatch preinstall=y

A Sample command (UNIX) would be

adpatch driver=u*******.drv logfile=u*******_`echo $TWO_TASK`_`date '+%d%B%Y_%H_%M_%S'`.log options=hotpatch, noprereq,novalidate,nodatabaseportion

You can use default file also to make application of multiple patches easier.

Will discuss this at a later point of time.


AD Merge Patch (admrgpch)

When we apply many patches separately, we must perform patching tasks multiple

times. For example, for every individual patch there may be same generate or autoconfig processes.

AD Merge Patch merges multiple patches into a single patch so that the required patching tasks

and processes are performed only once, and if two multiple patches contains different version of the same file admrgpch

will ensure that only the latest version is included in the new file.

Usage :- admrgpch

> Merge patches without unzipping the automated release updates (ARUs)

admgrpch -s -d -merge_name -manifest

The admrgpch supports both split patch driver files and unified patch driver files.

If all the source patches have split driver files, the merged patch has split driver files.

If any of the source patches has a unified driver file, the merged patch has a unified driver file.

The admrgpch copies the latest versions of the files required by the merged patches into the destination directory from target.

When merging patches, the source and destination directories cannot be child or parent directories of each other.

It is recommended to run admrgpch from the parent directory of the source directory, and the destination directory should also be located in the same parent directory.


Patch Application Assistant (

There can be manual steps during patching, though most of them are automated with adpatch.

Oracle Patch Application Assistant (PAA) helps users to track and perform these manual steps during patching,

and brings consistency in the format of manual steps. Readme contains manual steps as generic instructions for all systems.

For instructions specific to our system, the readme file instructs we to use PAA.

For merged patches, PAA automatically merges the contents of all the patches readme files,

and then generates a custom set of instructions, specific to our installation, that consolidates,

and displays the relevant manual steps for all the patches we want to apply.

After successfully performing each manual step, we can record that step as completed.

When applying patches in the future, refer to this record to see which manual steps we have already completed.

Unless specified otherwise, we do not have to repeat the manual steps we have previously completed.


Web-based Patching Utilities

Utilities are based on Oracle Applications Manager (OAM).

Applied Patches

The Applied Patches utility enables us to query the patch history database for a list of patches that have been applied to our system.

From the Applied Patches interface, we can view patch information such as patch number and type, driver file name, platform and version,

location of applied patch, patch content and language, files changed or copied, bug fixes in each driver file, whether patch application was

successful, and timing information.

File History

The File History utility enables the viewing of files that have been updated by a patch. we can view file history information such as:

APPL_TOP on which the file resides, directory in which the file resides, product family that owns the file, name of the file,

version of the file, date on which the file was changed, patch details report, and action summary report for the updates to the file.

Patch Wizard

An important job for APPS DBA is to keep knowledge of new patches that are recommended, and analyze their effects before we actually apply them.

With Patch Wizard utility, we can determine patches that have not been applied to our system, but that are recommended for our system,

and also gives us a preview about the effects of applying a patch on our system.

Timing Reports

Use the Timing Reports utility to monitor a job that is running or to view statistics of completed AutoPatch and AD Administration maintenance sessions.

we can view information such as task name, time taken to complete the task, start time and end time.

Mainly used to calculate the downtime required for production.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Download Oracle JDeveloper 11g Technology Preview 3

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New IT Download: Comprehensive automated software testing

Today, access our featured download

PRODUCT: TestComplete Enterprise Edition v6.10
COMPANY: AutomatedQA
TARGET USER: QA Tester/Developer

TERMS OF TRIAL LICENSE: Fully functional 30 day trial limited to 2
units of 500 lines each.

IT Download Description: Automated software testing plays a vital
role in the development of many software projects. Organizations
which do not rely upon automated testing processes must often expel
extensive development efforts, overrunning both allotted time and
budget. Discover how to implement comprehensive software testing
strategies to maximize the return on your software projects.

This IT download, AutomatedQA's TestComplete, is a comprehensive
solution for the automation of software testing. TestComplete allows
developers to automate functional, regression, unit, distributed and
HTTP performance testing. It represents a programmatic way to create
robust automated software testing projects in any of five
object-oriented scripting languages. It includes built-in
data-driven, white-box testing and robust test management and
supports testing of Win32, .Net, Java and Web applications on all
versions of Windows.

Download Size: 71MB

Click here to try it out:

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Today's News: SaaS provider dumps MySQL and Red Hat for Oracle

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Today's News
January 29, 2008

Mark Brunelli, News Editor

When ValueCentric found itself facing a rapidly changing business
environment and a need for greater information security, it decided
to migrate from MySQL-on-Red Hat Enterprise Linux to Oracle Database
on Oracle Enterprise Linux.

Based in Orchard Park, New York, ValueCentric started off in 2002 as
a pharmaceutical technology consulting firm running the MySQL open
source database management system (DBMS) and Red Hat Enterprise
Linux. But the company quickly realized a need for a
Software-as-a-Service -- or on demand -- offering to address a
growing industry shift toward fee-for-service business models.

ValueCentric has since evolved into a provider of on-demand data
management and performance analytics software for the pharmaceutical
industry. Company officials say the move to Oracle Database on Oracle
Enterprise Linux was crucial to the initiative's success.


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:: Oracle's next channel chief?
Judson Althoff, the executive in charge of Oracle alliances with Dell
and CDW, is on the short list to become the company's new North
American channel chief, sources say.


:: CRM continues to disappoint
Business and IT professionals are unhappy with their CRM deployments,
particularly marketing, analytics and customer service, according to
a new report.


:: Will Sun-MySQL ignite a database price war?
Sun Microsystems' acquisition of MySQL could spark a fight among
Oracle, IBM and Microsoft.


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New Webcast: How to Properly Secure and Eradicate Your Disk Drives

Dear member,

An increasing number of regulatory requirements that govern the
protection of personal information are driving increased efforts for
companies to protect their information.

But one area that has been overlooked by many companies is the
security of data stored on disk. Many don't consider this to be an
issue because disk subsystems remain resident in the data center - or
do they?

This Webcast explains why data security and disk eradication is so
important these days. View this presentation to discover best
practices and solutions that will assist you in these tasks.

TITLE: Who's Reading Your Old Disk Drives?
WHEN: LIVE TODAY! January 29, 2008 at 2:00 PM EST (1900 GMT)
SPEAKER: Glenn Jacobsen, Vice President, Data Management Group

Sun Microsystems


NOTE: To access this Webcast, you must: Disable pop up blockers;
Disable firewalls blocking streaming media/audio.
Failed hard disk drives (HDDs) are frequently removed from data
centers, yet organizations do not take the time to completely delete
the information stored on these disks. Companies that keep data
remaining on a disk when it leaves the physical security of a data
center are faced with the dilemma of how to properly eradicate this
data in a cost-effective manner.

This Webcast discusses the various options available to ensure the
protection of information stored on disk, explores the pros and cons
of each and provides guidance for deciding on the correct one for
your organization.

Click here to register:

Glenn Jacobsen, Vice President, Data Management Group

Glenn Jacobsen leads the Data Management Group for PeakData, a
trusted strategic partner that develops and delivers innovative
solutions to store, manage, and protect data throughout its
value-based lifecycle. The Data Management Group consulting and
professional services organization incorporates the industry's
leading people, products, tools, and methodologies to help companies
mitigate risk and manage their business-critical information more
efficiently and cost-effectively.

Jacobsen brings over twenty years of experience in disk and tape
storage optimization, protection, and management to PeakData. He came
to PeakData from Crosswalk, Inc, where he served as Senior Director
of Marketing and Product Management. Prior to Crosswalk, Jacobsen
managed global business operations for the professional services
organizations at Hitachi Data Systems, Front Porch Digital Inc., and
Trilliant Group. He is also the founder of Vistastor Corporation, a
consulting and integration firm focused on business continuity and
storage management.

Jacobsen started his career as a process engineer with IBM, and has
held positions of increasing responsibility in product development,
product management, marketing, and sales with industry-leading
storage companies including 3M, Imation Corp., and StorageTek.

------------ SPONSORED BY: PeakData & Sun Microsystems -------------

PeakData, LLC provides storage systems, storage management software
and services to enterprise customers throughout the United States. It
is increasingly recognized that data at rest can pose both management
challenges and business risks. PeakData's portfolio of consulting and
professional services represents more than twenty years of industry
leading data migration, conversion, consolidation and eradication
experience. We help mitigate the challenges and risks of data in
transition while rationalizing costs in the process. Whether
migrating, consolidating or eradicating data, PeakData's mission is
to help customers execute media migration projects securely,
efficiently and cost-effectively. These services are performed with
the highest level of confidentiality and security whether in
PeakData's secure facility or onsite at the client's facility.

For more information:

This e-newsletter is published by, a targeted Web
site from TechTarget, the IT Media ROI Experts. TechTarget offers
magazines, Web sites, e-newsletters, Webcasts and conferences for
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Customer Data: CDI streamlines Corporate Express call center processes

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Customer Data
Integration Edition
January 29, 2008

Jeff Kelly, News Editor

When executives at Corporate Express began looking at ways to improve
efficiency, they expected to find at least a few redundant servers or
applications. What they discovered were more than two dozen separate
customer data systems running throughout the company.

A subsidiary of Corporate Express NV in the Netherlands, the
Broomfield, Colo.-based company had staked its claim as one of the
top business-to-business office supplies vendors in the market thanks
in part to numerous acquisitions over the last decade. But each
acquisition brought with it not just revenue but customer data and
databases as well. It didn't take long for the company to realize it
needed to streamline operations.

"We started looking at our overall enterprise architecture, and one
of the things we began to document was the amount of customer data
replication we were doing," said Doug LaVelle, head of the company's
business relationship management team. To make matters worse,
customer data often needed to be entered into separate systems
manually, LaVelle said, almost guaranteeing inconsistencies.

To start the streamlining process, the company decided to consolidate
its 28 call centers -- distributed throughout the country -- into one
main call center with a secondary, back-up location. LaVelle and his
team began identifying the processes used in those call centers to
conduct customer transactions and discovered no fewer than 26 systems
containing customer data. "[Not surprisingly] we saw a lot
inefficiencies with how [call center representatives] went in
and found customers in the different systems," LaVelle said.

Learn how Corporate Express improved call center efficiency with
fuzzy search:

More on

Products of the Year winners
Find out which data integration products were recently named the top
Products of the Year and check out the winners for business
intelligence, data warehousing and data quality.

Learn the winners

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New eGuide: The Basics of iSCSI SANs

Dear member,

SANs are important to organizations because of their ability to
centralize and organize disparate storage resources within the data
center, but because of the cost and complexity of Fibre Channel, many
organizations held off on adopting this technology. Now with the
breakthrough of iSCSI SANs, this is no longer the case.

This eGuide from examines the basics of iSCSI,
deployment roadblocks to watch out for and predicts future trends.
Download it to learn more.

Download this new eGuide now:

Most analysts and users agree that iSCSI is easier to deploy and
manage than Fibre Channel. That is one of the main reasons that iSCSI
has emerged as a viable - and very popular - SAN option for
organizations large and small.

This eGuide from outlines common iSCSI concepts and
features. Download this guide to learn about important topics that
focus on:

** Understanding iSCSI SANs
** Debunking common IP network myths
** How to implement iSCSI SANs and common pitfalls to be aware of
** The future of iSCSI SANs

Download this eGuide to learn more:

Browse hundreds of white papers by author, keyword or topics.
Visit the White Paper Library today:

This e-newsletter is published by TechTarget, the IT Media ROI
Experts. TechTarget offers magazines, Web sites, e-newsletters,
Webcasts and conferences for enterprise IT professionals.

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Monday, January 28, 2008

This week: RIA and composite applications survey

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: This Week - January 28, 2008
A newsletter from TechTarget

> From the Editor: RIA and composite applications survey
> Ask the Experts: WSDL technology
> Learning Center: XML Learning Guide
> Site Highlights: Free seminar: Pragmatic SOA Governance
> More From SEARCHSOA: Deadline extended for products
of the year

RIA and composite applications survey
[Michael Meehan]

Let's face it, service-oriented architecture is boring. I mean, with
all that planning and attention to detail and consistency. Maybe that
appeals to the small percentage of people out there who lead highly
organized lives, but for most humans in your app dev shop the
efficiency and better business productivity of SOA isn't going to set
off any internal whistles.

For them the selling point on SOA is that if you get organized over
here then you can do some cool, new stuff over there. It's a
tradeoff. You want to do some fantastic enterprise mashup? Guess
what? That's not going to happen until you've got loosely coupled
applications with easily digested data. It's the adult equivalent of
having to eat your vegetables before you get dessert.

Anyway, we know that plenty of companies out there want to pursue
rich Internet and/or composite applications. What we don't know is
how far along you are with that work. So we put together a RIA and
composite apps survey to get a better sense of your progress in this
area and to find out what sorts of pain points you're experiencing.
It's quick and easy to take and we aren't requiring you to provide
any intimate personal information (seriously, we don't want your

If we know more about your interests and concerns in the Web 2.0, we
can better focus our coverage on your needs. Whether you're working
on an internal portal, a trading application or a cool Web site like
BreakThru Radio, or even if that's what your company would like to be
doing, we want to know about your RIA experience.

We know you're out there, looking to push the application envelope,
yearning to turn all this organization into something creative. Make
sure you chime in on the survey and it will help align our coverage.

> Deadline extended for products of the year:

WSDL technology
[Anne Thomas Manes]

Anne Thomas Manes defines when to use a WSDL and describes the
differences between WSDL 1.1 and 2.0.

XML Learning Guide

Want to learn more about XML? This guide explains what XML is, how
it's used, and where it fits into the world of Web services. You'll
find XML articles, tutorials, examples, tips, tools, white papers,
expert advice and more to pump up your XML know-how quickly.

Free seminar: Pragmatic SOA Governance
The failure to govern your organization's evolving SOA could result
in millions of dollars of costly service redesigns, maintenance, and
project delays. That's why created this one-day
seminar. Learn more about design and runtime implications of SOA
governance, as well as the organizational and business impact of an
effective governance strategy. Speakers include renowned industry
expert Anne Thomas Manes of the Burton Group. Reserve your spot now
for this free seminar.

Focused on finance? Now there's an online resource tailored
specifically to the distinct challenges faced by technology pros in
the financial sector.'s sister site is the web's
most targeted information resource to feature FREE access to unbiased
product reviews, webcasts, white papers, breaking industry news
updated daily, targeted search engine powered by Google, and so much

Deadline extended for products of the year
Last week we got flooded with requests to extend the deadline for our
Products of the Year Awards submissions. Now you've got until
February 15 to fill out the nomination form.

IBM buys AptSoft, firmly positions EDA inside SOA
With its acquisition of AptSoft Inc. this week, IBM's SOA team is
working to re-brand CEP as business event processing to accent the
business user's role in the technology.

SOA mature, diverse and successful - study finds
SOA implementations involve multiple vendors, extend well beyond
simple Web services and are largely rated as successes by 330 IT
professionals responding to a survey by AmberPoint Inc.

Horror stories offer reason for long-term SOA planning
In an SOA world, enterprises must avoid a piecemeal approach to
application upgrade and embrace a long-term application strategy,
according to Forrester Research Inc.

Forget maturity models – it's time for an agility model
Ronald Schmelzer discusses the best way to go about measuring
progress with regards to IT.

SOA Governance Series
Join and the Burton Group's Anne Thomas Manes for free
one-day SOA Governance seminars around the country.

Service contracts for BPEL 2.0
The BPEL orchestration standard allows for contract-first Web
services design inside an SOA. This tip identifies best practices for
using BPEL and WSDL for service contracts.

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ideas, please contact us at:

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This e-newsletter is published by, a targeted Web site
from TechTarget, The IT Media ROI Experts and events company.
TechTarget offers magazines, Web sites, e-newsletters, Webcasts and
conferences for enterprise IT professionals.
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First Glance Webcast & Videocasts: Know Your Roles: Log Monitoring at the Application Level and more

Dear member,

Register for these Online Events on

1. WEBCAST: Know Your Roles: Log Monitoring at the Application Level
2. VIDEOCASTS: 4 part series on risk management and reducing

WEBCAST #1: Know Your Roles: Log Monitoring at the Application Level
WHEN: LIVE! January 30, 2008 at 2:00 PM EST (1900 GMT)
SPEAKER: Rick Caccia, Vice President of Product Marketing
SPONSOR: Arcsight


Check out this webcast to learn:

* How application monitoring allows you to connect the dots across
systems and assess business risk
* How to manage users getting information outside of the scope of
their role or group membership
* Why custom applications don't have to be an easy target for
malicious insiders


VIDEOCASTS #2: 4 part series on risk management and reducing
SPEAKER: Gene Kim, CTO of Tripwire
SPEAKER: Dwayne Melancon, VP of Corporate and Business Development
at Tripwire
SPEAKER: George Spafford, Principal Consultant with Pepperweed
SPONSOR: Tripwire, Inc.


VIDEOCAST 1: Down With Downtime: Ensuring Control and Availability
over IT Systems

Check out this Videocast today and learn more about how to monitor
change control and prevent downtime. You will also discover how your
company can be more strategic regarding IT availability and how to
use ITIL methodologies as a framework to improve IT effectiveness

Click here to watch this Videocast:

VIDEOCAST 2: How to Secure and Manage Virtual Servers

View this Videocast and join Dwayne Melancon, VP of Corporate and
Business Development at Tripwire and Andy Briney, VP and Group
Publisher at TechTarget as they discuss virtualization security and
its implications.

Click here to watch this Videocast:

VIDEOCAST 3: Practical Steps to Improving Your Compliance Process

Watch this Videocast and learn more about processes for security pros
to achieve compliance, how to automate compliance processes, best
practices for compliance improvement, and much more.

Click here to watch this Videocast:

VIDEOCAST 4: How to Improve Your IT Risk Management Operations

View this Videocast and discover essential IT processes and
operations that your company should examine to get better at managing
risks and steps you can take to become best in class for IT risk

Click here to watch this Videocast:

NOTE: To access these Online Events, you must: Disable pop up
blockers; Disable firewalls blocking streaming media/audio.

This e-newsletter is published by, a targeted Web
site from TechTarget, the IT Media ROI Experts. TechTarget offers
magazines, Web sites, e-newsletters, Webcasts and conferences for
enterprise IT professionals.

Copyright 2008 TechTarget. All rights reserved.


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This Week: Calling all middleware users

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: This Week - January 28, 2008
A newsletter from TechTarget

> From the Editor: Calling all middleware users
> Site Highlights: Oracle may put a price on business processes
> More From SearchOracle: Oracle buys content management vendor

Calling all middleware users
by Mark Brunelli - mbrunelli@techtarget.

The results of a new Oracle Applications Users Group (OAUG) survey
suggest that the majority of Oracle-based enterprises intend to
upgrade to Oracle's Fusion middleware infrastructure within the next
two years.

Now, that's not particularly surprising. But this is:

The survey, which generated 449 responses from OAUG members, also
found that two out of every five Oracle-based enterprises will
increase spending on middleware in 2008, despite the fact that many
enterprises still aren't sure of middleware's true value to their

Taken together, the results suggest to me that at least some
companies out there are spending money on middleware without fully
understanding the reasons for doing so. I think the issue deserves
further examination, especially with Oracle's major acquisition of
middleware giant BEA Systems Inc. still fresh on our minds:

I'm researching a new article on the OAUG survey for publication
later this week and really need to rally the troops
in an attempt to understand this potential phenomenon. Do the results
make sense to you? Why or why not? And why is middleware important,
or unimportant, at your organization?

Maybe it's simply a matter of business folks getting ahead of the IT
groups, or vice versa. Or maybe the survey results simply don't hold
water. Whatever it is, if you're a real Oracle end user, then I want
to hear from you. Please send your comments directly to and we'll set up a time to get on the phone.

Mark Brunelli
News Editor

Oracle may put a price on business processes
Find out why large software vendors creating more dynamic
applications with a strong focus on cross-functional business
processes is likely to mean new business process-based software
pricing options.

Data warehouse appliances demand diligence
Finding the right data warehouse appliance is largely a matter of due
diligence and proper testing. However, there are some other important
things to keep in mind, so caught up with two
instructors from The Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI) to keep you

Oracle buys content management vendor
Oracle will add Captovation -- a Minnesota-based vendor of enterprise
content management (ECM) strategies -- to its ever-growing list of
acquired software companies.

Data retention policy for Oracle DBAs: When to "trash" your data
Oracle DBA Donald K. Burleson discusses data archiving, including
legal requirements, how to avoid stale data, and why it is important
to "trash" data rather than store it forever.

Tech pundit thinks Oracle had a hand in MySQL deal
Tech industry columnist John Dvorak says he believes that Oracle
founder Larry Ellison had a hand in Sun Microsystems' $1 billion
MySQL acquisition.

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For feedback about any of our articles or to send us your article
ideas, please contact us at:

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conferences for enterprise IT professionals.
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